Caring Transitions of North Pittsburgh Goes Hollywood

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We all know the burdens of realizing family and friends might not be interested in our parents’ belongings, but sometimes downsizing and liquidation can have amazing surprises.

As some people in Pittsburgh may already be aware, streaming juggernaut Netflix will be filming a new series right in town. And in preparation for that series, they’ve recently purchased about $1,000 of merchandise from auctions run by Caring Transitions of North Pittsburgh. We’re not allowed to say much about the series’ premise or tentative title just yet, but we can say that the items purchased were largely mid-century modern furniture pieces and collectibles.

Set decorators and designers gobbled up the available items, and now these beloved items will find new lives as props for this future Netflix release.

It’s exciting times when a person’s belongings can not only find a new home, but find such a unique opportunity. If you’re stuck feeling like your possessions are now longer hip, remember that there are plenty of people out there who value and appreciate antiques and vintage items, sometimes to the point of letting them live on through the set of a major film production.

So never despair! Remember that there’s always someone out there who values your treasures as much as you do. And to help find them, Caring Transitions is always a great place to start.

Netflix is currently valued at about $50 billion and has won many awards and accolades for their original television series, including “Orange is the New Black,” “Luke Cage,” “Stranger Things,” and “House of Cards.”

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